Alright, alright, I KNOW. I haven't updated in almost two weeks, and I haven't updated BTDA since then. Well, I have an explanation for that.
First of all, the seasons are changing. For those of you live in Sunny LA or somewhere else not in the Northeast, this means the weather in being the biggest bully you could ever imagine. Everyone in the area (including those who make thousands of dollars a year off of selling snowblowers or running ski resorts) is pretty much looking up to the Heavens and shouting, "UNCLE!" Hence, there are plenty of places that are still off limits thanks to mounds of snow that put the Great Wall of China to shame. So, now the weather is becoming nicer and we'll be able to go more places. That is, if they haven't been washed away because God sent a flood.
Second, illness. I suffer from two things that are making my treks more difficult - depression and hypersomnia. I'm sure you all know at least something about depression... it's that disorder in your head that makes it impossible to get out of bed most days, decides to take away your motivation and not give it back for about a week (much like a playground bully), and all sorts of other fun things that I won't get into. Then there's hypersomnia... it's the opposite of insomnia. When you have hypersomnia, you're always tired. ALWAYS. And it causes you to sleep so much that 5:00 in the evening is when you have breakfast. Now, hypersomnia is easily treatable... if you're not on anti-depressants. Basically the meds I'm on make me super-sensitive to caffiene. Things get REALLY trippy if I drink too much of a soda from McDonald's. Maybe one day I'll tell you kids the story of when I was riding on a Wyvern in World of Warcraft and (SHUT UP THEY DON'T CARE)
So, anyway, that's that, BUT. I have decided to really crack down on myself and go places with Banjo starting today. The reason it wasn't yesterday, which would have been ideal since it was Monday, is because we only have two cars, and my mom's car is being a jerk. Again. So while my dad's at the Dodge dealership later today getting the piece of crap fixed, I will be wandering about armed with a camera and Banjo. THose other entries, consider them "practice". So, check back for updates later!
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